視覺特效設計, 這學期的一門課, 主要講多媒體特效合成的原理, 以及學習 Adobe After Effects 來製作動畫與合成特效. 學期末的 Project, 就是做了上面的動畫.
一共花了大概15 ~ 20 小時給它完成.有 9 個場景, 一個場景大概要 1~2 個小時 (當然包含找素材的時間啦). 當然, 要做的跟真正的 多啦A夢 片頭一樣, 真的是很難, 譬如最簡單的行走, 其實做起來會很累人的.
初次體驗這類型的軟體, 作出了簡單的動畫, 令人感覺挺高興的 ~
A course called "Digital Video Special Effects" in this semester taught the basis about Multi-Media and Effects on movie - such as how to add some effects in the original file. Also, we learned how to use Adobe After Effects to make a real movie. The process is really funny, and in the end of the semester we have a Project to do. What I make is the Doraemon Animation showed aboove.
It took me 15 to 20 hours to finished this project, and totally 9 compositions in it. Each comp took me 1.5 to 2 hours to finish ( the time to search resources is included). It's really hard to make some animaition really "acting", such as the most simply walking. I think making animation which can act smoothly and naturally is really time consume and work harded.
It's the first time to learn this kind of Software to make real animation and add some effect on it. It's really funny and the proces is happy !
最後, 列出這個影片用到的些特效 ~
Finally, list the Effect I used in this animation ~
Audio Spectrum
FE Ball Action
FE Light Rays
FE Particle System II
FE Spot Light
FE Star Burst
Fractal Noise + Radial Blur
Lens Flare
Paint (L. Inv Matte)
Path Text
Radial Blur
Radio Waves
Turbulent Displace